
Should You File for Bankruptcy?

Filing for bankruptcy is always a difficult decision. The first step when determining whether to file is an examination of you personal finances. Your income to debt ratio will give the full picture. Pickford Law Office can assist you in deciding if bankruptcy is the best option for you.

i. Bankruptcy may be the best solution for you if you have:

Filing for bankruptcy is always a difficult decision. The first step when determining whether to file is an examination of you personal finances. Your income to debt ratio will give the full picture. Pickford Law Office can assist you in deciding if bankruptcy is the best option for you.

i. Bankruptcy may be the best solution for you if you have:

  1. Garnishments
  2. Levies
  3. Foreclosures
  4. Law Suits
  5. Creditor Harassment
  6. Collection Agencies
  7. Repossessions
  1. Garnishments
  2. Levies
  3. Foreclosures

4. Law Suits

5. Creditor Harassment

6. Collection Agencies

7. Repossessions

Calculator and Wooden Judge's Gavel — Murrieta, CA — Pickford Law Office
Calculator and Wooden Judge's Gavel — Murrieta, CA — Pickford Law Office
Calculator and Wooden Judge's Gavel — Murrieta, CA — Pickford Law Office

We know to ask the correct question

While contemplating if bankruptcy is right for you, we will assist in reviewing all of your important information. We will ask the questions about debt, your income and your family. We will stop harassing collection calls and ensure that you start your financial life anew, beginning with filling for bankruptcy. 

We can offer young professionals instant help

Don’t let your financial issues get out of hand. When it comes to bankruptcy, starting the process early is always a good decision. Here at Pickford Law Office, we are skilled in the nuances of bankruptcy and can assist you with the process from start to finish.

Other services

  • Garnishments
  • Levies
  • Foreclosures
  • Repossessions
  • Liens
  • Law Suits
  • Credit Card Debt
  • Medical Debt
  • Motion to strip 2nd mortgages
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